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This is Jan Male

BA Dip Ed MAAIC Clinic Director

She is Primary and Secondary teacher trained, has been a Reading Recovery Teacher, Literacy Coordinator, taught Secondary English, History, General Studies and Music and taught all levels of Primary School in all subjects. She has been a Principal and Vice Principal.

For the last 10 years she has been an Irlen Diagnostician and for 5 years before that an Irlen Screener. She is a member of the MAAIC.


MAAI - Member of the Australasian Association of Irlen Consultants

Membership of the MAAIC is only available to diagnosticians and screeners who have been trained in the Irlen method and accepted by Helen Irlen, who was responsible for setting up the Irlen Clinic in California, USA in 1980. There are now over 171 recognised clinics throughout the world. Much research has been conducted in this field.

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What is Irlen Syndrome

 It can effect both adults and children ( it is hereditary ) and is different for each individual.

It interferes with a range of activities.​









The steps for Irlen Syndrome are:






It can affect reading, writing, light sensitivity, under achievement, headaches  and depth perception.

Therefore, ask yourself these questions.









​If you answer yes to any of them look at the SELF HELP section and contact an Irlen screener or diagnostician.

Irlen Syndrome was begun in the1980’s in America by Helen Irlen, ( MA, BCPC, PPS, BCPTSD, LMFT ) hence the name.

Helen Irlen is a great scholar and educationalist. She has helped many children and adults with reading and leaning difficulties. “ One important discovery was that a group of individuals, showed a marked improvement in their reading ability, when reading material was covered by coloured acetate sheets ((overlays ) Helen Irlen worked on refining her discovery developing diagnostic testing, and a set of coloured filters.“ (lenses )

Over 30 years of research have been conducted in Irlen Syndrome.

It is a visual processing problem. Cannot be identified through standard psychological, educational of optometric testing. It may coexist with an optometric problem.

It is a perceptual dysfunction affecting how the brain interprets the message it receives from the printed page and the environment.  Perception is sensitive to certain frequencies of spectral light. A specific filter can decrease or subdue the offending light frequencies and remove symptoms of strain and stress, thus solving one part of the puzzle which may be contributing to literacy difficulties. 

It is a brain problem. (Photos of brain scans from Amen Clinic AAIC Booklet p2 )


  • Academic performance

  • Work performance

  • Behaviour

  • Attention

  • Ability to sit still

  • Concentration

  • Do you have trouble reading?

  • Do you get headaches?

  • Do you get sore eyes?

  • Do you feel tried when you read?

  • Do get affected by bright lights

  • Overlays

  • Coloured paper

  • Filters (Lenses)

Spect Scans from the
Amen Clinic, Newport Beach,
California, USA

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Understanding print distortions
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